Tuesday marks just one month until September 20, when millions will walk out of their schools, homes, and places of work to demand urgent action to stop the climate crisis. It’ll set off a week of mobilisations, culminating in a second global strike on 27 September.

It’s been exactly one year since Greta Thunberg first stood alone outside the Swedish parliament with her school strike sign and generated unprecedented media attention on the climate crisis. One year on a resurgent movement of millions is preparing for the largest global climate mobilisation ever starting on September 20, just a few days before a UN emergency climate summit.

But this climate movement is much bigger than Greta or any one individual.  For example, we’re seeing unprecedented involvement from workers and trade unions. The leadership of one of Germany’s largest unions is encouraging its over 2 million members to join the strikes.  Italy’s largest union representing 5.5 million workers just announced it will mobilise its members on 27 September.  Maritime Union of Australia members Ryan and Tommy-John shared why they’d be striking:

Artists are getting involved too. Creators like César Maxit and Gastón Mendieta (featured below) are putting forward new designs to promote the climate strikes. There’s an open call for all artists to share their creativity and inspiration on #ClimateStrike.  And, if you’re not artistic yourself, you can find more customisable designs to make your own big banners, flags and promotion materials for September in this new Arts Toolkit. 


We also heard a truly inspiring story from Krishna of the Philippines. Her island is a nationwide leader in renewable energy, thanks to a tradition of anti-coal activism that runs through the generations. She’s sharing her story in hopes it’ll inspire others to join the global climate strike in September and build a lasting movement where they live.

But there’s evidence of some pushback. Some laws and politicians are obstructing people from taking part in the strikes. Anti-union law in Scotland has forced unions there to stop short of fully calling a strike, and in the Philippines one politician condemned teachers who would cancel classes to encourage their students to show up at protests. There have also been disturbing arrests of young school strikers everywhere from the United States to Russia.  Do check out this security briefing if you have any concerns about your safety.

Not everyone can afford to take a whole day off in September, for either safety or economic reasons. But by supporting other climate strikers, sharing stories online with the hashtag #ClimateStrike, or even just having a meaningful conversation with a friend or family member, everyone can help.

And if you are able to join a climate strike, even for a short while, make sure you’re aware of where it’ll take place and sign up to get the latest information from the event organiser. Check this global map  for the info (more events being added every day.)

Join a #ClimateStrike

If you’re really inspired to organise your own climate strike or contribute to one in your community: you can also try one of the newly opened Online Trainings, which run until 12 September. Sign up here.

Together, we can make this the biggest, most diverse and impactful climate mobilisation in history. See you in September.
