School students have been leading on climate strikes, but they have made it unequivocally clear that it’s high time for the rest of us to join in and back them up. So, here are 8 things you can do to make September 20 massive:

1. RSVP to a strike near you!

You’re mentally ‘attending’, but have you signed up for updates and hit ‘going’ on the relevant Facebook event for your strike? It may seem insignificant, but RSVP numbers are hugely helpful for organisers. How else should they know how many Port-a-loos to hire? Plus, we all know that people in your social networks will suss out the ‘going’ list of the event before committing to attend. Give them one more reason to join in!

2. Make a post on social media.

Ok, so now you’re ‘going’, but you and I both know that’s not enough to get the word out there. Choose your social media platform of choice and tell your people why this matters!

There’s an infinite number of cool articles or impressive videos you could share, but if you want to get serious and hack that algorithm, take a selfie or a video and get 👏 that 👏reach👏. Make sure you tag #ClimateStrike, and @350 if you don’t mind us sharing!

3. Text your friends.

If your friends, family, and co-workers have never been to a #ClimateStrike or any kind of climate mobilisation before, all the Instagram stories in the world might not get them to attend. But a sincere personal message inviting them to meet up on the day and head to the strike together? That’s a winner.

This Sunday morning, find somewhere to sit in the sun with a paper, pen, and hot beverage of your choice, and write down the names of at least 5 people who might come to the strike if you asked them. Get your phone out, craft some nice texts, and work your way through the list. You’ll be surprised how many people will be excited to come if only you ask them!

4. Talk to strangers.

Ok, so everyone you know has had an earful about the climate strike, you’re posting every day on social media, and you’ve even sent texts to your ex-partners’ parents inviting them to come along. It’s time to talk to people you don’t know!

There are dozens of outreach events being organised around the country in preparation for the strike – handing out information and having conversations at train stations, hosting info nights, you name it.

6. Put up posters.

Did a part of you just curl up and freak out at the thought of talking to strangers? It’s OK introverts, we’ve got you covered. There are literally millions of walls waiting to have posters stuck on them in cities across the globe, and so many beautiful templates that can be customised and printed to be stuck up everywhere else.

This is your calling! Grab some mates (ideally two: one for sticking, one for holding materials while you align the posters) and get out there.

Poster: Paperhand artists

7. Send an email around to your workplace.

If your workplace hasn’t already come out in support of the climate strike…they’re falling behind, fast. This week a whole bunch of Australian businesses announced that they’re enthusiastically supporting the strike and letting employees attend – and the big banks quickly followed to state their employees are welcome to attend too. Many universities are sending emails to their tens of thousands of students and staff.

There’s a big precedent for this now, so check out these resources and make a plan for how you’ll get your workplace on board!

8. Hold a crafternoon.

Friends, don’t make the grave mistake of not thinking about a placard until the night before the strike. The climate strikes have developed an international reputation for some of the most hilarious, irreverent, clever and powerful placards – and for the sheer volume of them as well.

Not the quickest wit? No worries – with two weeks to think about it, anything is possible. Why not put an evening in the calendar to get your creative juices flowing with some friends – the wit and artistic vision of some are sure to get shared around. You can also find inspiration in the global #ClimateStrike Arts Kit!

Photo: School Strike 4 Climate
