FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE, 12th March 2020.
Covid-19 is rapidly spreading throughout Europe with almost 15 000 confirmed cases counted on the 10th of March. Gatherings of many people are a risk for further spreading the virus. For this reason, organisers in Fridays For Future representing several countries in Europe are taking their strikes online using the hashtag: #ClimateStrikeOnline. The campaign will consist of activists posting a photograph of themselves and their signs on social media with the campaigns namesake hashtag. This is an inclusive and risk-free online action to demand political climate action. We ask everyone who can to take part in the online strike planned on Friday 13th of March 2020. People are encouraged to take a picture of themselves holding a protest sign and post it on social media with the Hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline, as well as tagging the local Fridays for Future group to spread the message.
Organisers from several countries in FFF Europe are calling for all bigger climate strikes to be postponed because of the health risk currently posed by mass gatherings. Fridays For Future is a peaceful movement and does not want to inflict harm directly or indirectly, let alone perpetuate a crisis.
The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. It will not go away without significant political action. However, this does not mean that the novel coronavirus is to be taken any less seriously. Every crisis must be treated as a crisis.
“We ask you to follow the procedures the authorities are putting out and help in any way possible.” says activist Saoi O’Connor, age 17, from Ireland.
“Fridays For Future are listening to the authorities, the science and the experts, and right now the experts are encouraging people to avoid big crowds and public gatherings.” says activist Greta Thunberg, age 17, from Sweden, and adds that “We, the young people, are the least affected by this virus, but it is essential that we act in solidarity with those who are the most vulnerable and that we act in the best interest of our common society.”
Several organisers are choosing to act according to the crisis situation we are experiencing, in the same way that they expect politicians and governments to act while facing the climate crisis.
“Our goal is not to create panic but to contribute in a constructive way to stop this crisis. Even in times like this, it is vital to remember that the climate crisis is still here, and far from being resolved. Join us in the #ClimateStrikeOnline, to keep our protest present and be a constant reminder to the world leaders and the general public that we are still here, and we will not give up.“
Signed by these countries
Fridays For Future Austria
Youth For Climate Belgium
Rikke Damgaard Nielsen from Fridays For Future Denmark
Dominique Palmer from Fridays for Future England
Atte Ahokas & Maija Li Raudaskoski from Fridays For Future Finland
Fridays for Future Hungary
Fridays For Future Ireland
Fridays For Future Italia
Erik Christiansson from Fridays For Future Netherlands
Anna Kernahan from Fridays For Future Northern Ireland
Kristian Krystad from Fridays For Future Norway
Bianca Castro from Fridays For Future Portugal
Fridays For Future Romania
Alejandro Martínez from Fridays For Future Spain
Isabelle Axelsson, Ell Jarl & Greta Thunberg from Fridays For Future Sweden
Linus Dolder from Climatestrike Switzerland