Join the Climate Strikes Online Trainings

In these interactive sessions, you’ll learn and share ideas and skills with other climate strike organisers through online chat, polls and small groups. 

What’s next after the Climate Strikes?

Are you ready to step up and use your power? The climate crisis can feel complex and overwhelming, and sometimes it’s hard to know what you can do about it.

Below is a recording of one of the online workshops we conducted to explore the most impactful actions one can take right now to join the movement for climate justice, whoever and wherever they are. Top tip: open the presentation slides so that you have access to links and videos referenced in the webinar recording.


You can also join our online skill-up courses to learn more about organizing, movement-building, how to have climate change conversations, divestment, and much more.

Past Webinars


In this session, we discuss together how disrupting business as usual and tactics such as climate strikes can help shift what’s possible in tackling the climate crisis.

Here’s a recording if you missed a session on Escalation:


Goals & Strategy

What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now!” In this session, we discuss the role of clear targets and demands and how these can help your national or local movement create more people power.

Here’s a recording of one of our sessions on Goals and Strategy:


Going Big

This session covers a range of practical recruitment skills and outreach tactics to help you build a huge upswell of people power where you are.

Here’s a recording of one of our sessions on Going Big:


Media Training

Tips and tricks to get your climate strike in the media. Go through the essentials of messaging, writing press releases and giving interviews.

Registration for this training is over but…

…we’ll soon upload the recording so watch this space.


Live Coverage Skills

Advice and tips on photos, video and digital storytelling, how to link your action with events across the globe, and with a few simple steps, you can ensure that the world hears your story.

Here’s a recording of one of our sessions on Live Coverage Skills:


Safety and Risk Planning

This basic safety and risk training will take you through some key steps to get you prepared and ready to deal with any risks that may arise at your event. It will also outline what support is available in case of a crisis.

Registration for this training is over but…

…we’ll soon upload the recording so watch this space.
