September 29, 2020 Climate Strikers are back on the streets! Ready to feel inspired? Last week, young people from around the world organised thousands of Climate Strikes to demand urgent action...
September 24, 2020 Strikes are back! Since the COVID pandemic set in, climate strikers have adjusted their tactics and held digital actions throughout the year. This...
March 16, 2020 Coronavirus and climate strikes Coronavirus is spreading fast, and we need to flatten the curve. Mass public events are cancelled in most places – but here are some organising...
September 28, 2019 7.6 million people demand action after week of climate strikes At a total of over 7.6 million and still counting, the week of Global Climate Strikes is on par with...
May 29, 2019 Ukraine on #ClimateStrike On May 24, schoolchildren and students across the world in 133 countries went on strike for their future. Looking at...