Upload Photos & Videos

We want to share what’s happening at your Climate Strike with people around the world.

To submit your photos and videos from a Climate Strike action, just follow these instructions.

  1. Rename your file following this naming structure> 20200925_Climate_Strike_Germany_Berlin_March
  2. Click on “ADD FILE” to submit your photos or videos
  3. Include a one-sentence description of your event and what is happening

Add File

All submitted photos, videos and action report content may be reproduced under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license. By submitting your photos, video clip(s) you agree for 350.org and its affiliates to copyright, publish, reproduce, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, televise, digitize, display, otherwise use, and permit others to use, including on the Internet, and for any purpose, including, but not limited to, promotion of 350.org, its affiliates, or their services, without further consent or payment.

Find photos and videos from climate strike events as they come in through the Multimedia Hub.

This hub also includes logos in various languages, photos, video clips that you can download for free, and loads more)

Take me to the Multimedia Hub

Tips on how to shoot great photos and video

With just a few simple steps, you can ensure that people everywhere see and hear about your Global Climate Strike.

Check out the Live Coverage Toolkit for our top tips.
